Sunday, July 1, 2018

Week One Mission Possible

The week started out with us going to Langley Park and Lauren shared the memory verse with the children by doing a hangman puzzle. We only had a few children the first day but, they were very attentive and enjoyed picking letters.                  

Then Dylan shared the message with the children.  This was his first message on the sketchboard and he did well and the children listened attentively.   Our club this day was cut short as we arrived late but, we told the children we would return the following day and they were excited.

Our second day at Langley Park was exciting when we arrived because many more children came out to the club.  Although, it looks calm in this picture as the puppets were entertaining the children soon the climate changed.  I had already spoken to the children prior to this picture being taken about sitting on the mat and paying attention because they were already starting to be disruptive.
After this we sang a song and David started the hangman puzzle.  You may notice a difference between the first picture and this picture as there is a hole on the mat where many of the older boys had been sitting.  At this point many of them were up running around and beginning to be disruptive again. 

We had asked them to leave if they were not going to pay attention and listen because the younger children were being distracted by them.  This only seemed to make them more disruptive and one of them said to Joan, "This is my place and you can not tell me to leave." Unfortunately, it continued to escalate and we decided it was best to end the club early.  As we were leaving some of the children began attempting to steal our belonging and even open our backpacks.  I was saddened by the behavior of the children because this type of disrespect and disruptive behavior had never occurred before.  The one positive thing that occurred is now the team has a burden to pray for this community. That evening and the following day we had a team meeting and we made a prayerful decision not to return to this club.   We are trusting that God will use other means to reach those children with the gospel.
On Wednesday we used the time that we had planned to go to Langley Park to do some additional training for adult ministry.  The teens did well preparing the messages.  Here Ana is painting up "Solve This Riddle."  We also did some apologetic training in the morning to help equip the teens for conversations they will have throughout the summer.
On Thursday I preached a message at Columbia Heights and the teens formed a crowd. They were able to get into many one to one conversations after the message.
David, Jared and Alex in a gospel conversation.
Friday night at Silver Spring we had several of the teens share messages and we had many people stop to listen and engage in conversations.
Jared preaching a message.

Dylan preaching a message

Overall, the first week of ministry was successful and the team learned many things.  I am thankful for the way God used the team this week to reach many with the gospel.  I also want to take this time to thank each of you for your prayers and the financial support that you gave to make this Mission Possible, possible this year.  Until next week your prayers are appreciated!

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